How to add free SSL to your website [https]
Are you courios how to add free SSL to your website ? Because that’s exactly what I would like to show in this article.
Recently I migrated from Jekyll to WordPress so I was needed to renew the SSL certificate and I was very happy with let’s encrypt, so I tried website?do it again, from my CPanel and I found a curious solution to have my free SSL installed for
Start the configuration for free SSL
- First you should go to ZeroSSL
- Press Online Tools
- Select
underFREE SSL Certificate Wizard
- Fill in the email and the domain and/or all subdomains. In my case, I have both with/without www. subdomains active by default so I need to have both of them there, separated by empty space. If you have multiple, add them separated by space.
- Select
Accept ZeroSSL TOS
andAccept Let's Encrypt SA(pdf)
- Check
HTTPS Verification
- Press
- Go to you CPanel in SSL Area
9. Under Private Keys (KEY)
, click on Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys.
Generate a new private Key and come back to ZeroSSL page.
10. Paste the code in the left field
11. Click on Next
12. Follow the following steps:
To verify domain ownership using HTTP verification, you will need to create appropriate files with specific text strings under your “webroot/.well-known/acme-challenge/” directory, where “webroot” is the main directory with your website pages. Please make sure that the files you have created are actually accessible (by clicking the links below in the File column) and have proper content before clicking “Next”.
13. Press the Next
Enjoy your new SSL Certificate.
Below you can find a video tutorial about how to get your free SSL
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Originally published at on February 16, 2019.